Dr. Kristin Schmidt and her staff are committed to helping you achieve a healthy pregnancy during all stages of your pregnancy. From the moment you test positive until your wonderful baby is born we are here to provide regular prenatal care, healthy diets and answer all your questions.
As a board certified OB GYN, Dr. Schmidt has been delivering babies in the Houston, Texas area for over 20 years. She specializes in advanced diagnostics and testing as well as women’s healthcare including well-woman exams, gynecological surgery and aesthetics. Our goal is exceptional comprehensive care for you and your baby.
If you are considering getting pregnant or think you may be pregnant, we welcome your visit to our practice to see how we offer individualized care, comprehensive testing and share with you in your excitement.
Learn why we have been the trusted source for hundreds of women in the Houston area for all their pregnancy and delivery needs.
Building Blocks for A Healthy Pregnancy
Prenatal Care
Your initial visit is a vital part of your prenatal care and allows you to ask questions and receive a comprehensive package of educational materials with FAQ’s and other valuable information.
At this time, Dr. Schmidt and her team will schedule your following prenatal visits so that they closely monitor both you and your growing baby’s progress and fetal development. These visits include blood work, initial pap testing, pelvic exam and ultrasound to assess your baby’s status and estimated delivery date. It is important to discuss any medications, past history and current supplements at this time.
If you are pregnant now, think you may be or simply want to discuss family planning then we look forward to seeing you soon!
Make your appointment with Dr. Schmidt and her team to get started early on your pregnancy journey.
Call 713-464-2100 to find out more.
Guidelines for Successful Pregnancy
The following are guidelines that are meant to be a starting point of reference for you. They are not intended to replace treatment and pre-natal visits and are not limited to only these facts and recommendations.
There may be other conditions, symptoms and recommendations that are not included here. This can be used as a helpful outline but you will need to ask any question or visit with Dr. Schmidt and her staff on any additional topic you might need.
We know it is a lot to absorb especially if this is your first pregnancy. This is why we have included reference information that can be printed or revisited on our website.
Our staff is always just a call away!
Important Vitamins
At your first visit, prenatal vitamins will be discussed and recommended. Although eating a balanced and healthy diet will provide many of the needed nutrients, it is important to take your daily supplement to make sure that you are getting everything you need for the growth of your baby.
The need for Folic Acid (Folate) or vitamin B in your diet as well as additional supplements has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The proper dosage and amount will be covered during your prenatal visit.
Maintaining a healthy pregnancy and excellent diet is important at each stage of your pregnancy. Making wise food choices with many fruits and vegetables provide the necessary building blocks for the best pregnancy outcome and healthiest baby.
Good eating habits and food choices are critical to the development of your baby’s brain, birth weight and is proven to reduce the risk of many birth defects. It also lowers your risk of anemia.
Diets that include fruits, vegetables and meats that are not in high in unhealthy saturated fats lower your chances of high blood pressure that can signal trouble for you and your baby. It also helps you maintain normal weight gain.
Choose at least one good source of folic acid everyday, like dark green leafy vegetables, veal, and legumes (lima beans, black beans, black-eyed peas and chickpeas).
Foods to Avoid
- All raw meat
- No unpasteurized milk, cheeses or juice
- Deli meat
- Under-heated hot dogs
- Undercooked meat, seafood or poultry
- Smoked seafood
- Caffeinated beverages
Additionally, while fish is a great source of nutrients, the following are to be avoided during pregnancy because they can contain high levels of mercury shown to pose a threat to your baby.
- shark
- swordfish
- king mackerel
- tilefish
- tuna steak (bigeye or ahi)
- marlin
- orange roughy
Weight Gain
If you are in the normal weight range for your height, then a 25-35 pound weight gain is recommended. Dr. Schmidt and her team will monitor your weight all through the process, making sure you and your baby are getting the nutrition you need.
Substances, Medications, and Practices to Eliminate
- Alcohol
- Tobacco, smoking or vaping
- Recreational drugs
- Avoid Ibuprofen and aspirin
- Check with your doctor concerning all current prescription medications prior to taking them
- Avoid changing the cat litter box to decrease the chance of getting toxoplasmosis that can cause problems with your baby. If unavoidable, wear gloves and take precaution.
- Wear gloves if gardening
If you were not physically active prior to getting pregnant you should talk to your doctor about starting a good routine.
Exercise has been proven to be beneficial. In fact the U.S Department of Health and Human Services recommends the following guidelines for pregnant women:
Women should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Preferably, aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week.
Squatting and Kegels can be added to your exercise routine to promote healthy pelvic muscle strength and potentially lead to an easier delivery.
They also state that if you have been doing more intense aerobic activity or physically active before getting pregnant, you can continue these activities during pregnancy with clearance from your doctor. Be sure to limit and avoid any high intensity sport or exercise that could potentially involve you to be hit in the stomach or fall.
Benefits include:
- Better sleep
- Improved moods
- Increase in energy
- Lowers risk of excess weight gain
- Reduces back pain
- Lessens constipation
- Improves recovery time after delivery
Diseases, Illness and Complications During Pregnancy
Chromosomal Abnormalities
Dr. Schmidt will talk with you about screening for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome to determine what is best. Other genetic testing may be discussed based on your family history and disease profile.
It is important for you to discuss your diabetes with Dr. Schmidt so that she can help plan for control of it. If left uncontrolled, this can lead to birth defects and other problems for you and your baby.
This type of diabetes is found in pregnant women who were not previously diagnosed with the disease. Frequently it can be controlled with diet, exercise and occasionally insulin is necessary. It usually goes away after birth of your baby.
RH Factor and Pregnancy
All women who are pregnant will be tested for a protein called Rhesus factor (Rh factor) on the blood cell to determine if they have it or not. If you have the protein you are typed as Rh-positive. If you don’t, you are Rh-negative.
This is important only if your child is known to be Rh-positive and you are negative. Complications could occur such as miscarriage, bleeding and abdominal damage due to the woman’s immune system reactions that attack the fetus. Her body will detect this difference and sense it as a foreign substance.
Common Illnesses
Check with your nurse on the protocols and timelines for getting your annual flu shot.
- Seasonal flu
- Stomach issues
- Nausea
- Colds
Pre-eclampsia is high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy in patients whose pressure is usually normal. It typically surfaces around 20 weeks of pregnancy. It can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition for both you and your baby. Often it is hard to recognize because the typical symptoms of pregnancy are also similar.
3 main symptoms:
- Swelling of hands
- High blood pressure
- Protein in urine
Pre-eclampsia can usually be managed with IV or oral medications until the baby is at a point where it can be delivered with fewest complications.
Preterm Labor
What does it mean? Preterm labor may happen during your pregnancy after week 20 and before week 37. This can result in your cervix opening and dialating resulting in early delivery of you’re your baby or a premature birth. The earlier the birth happens the greater the risk.
Certain factors are associated with initiation of preterm labor:
- Alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Carrying too much weight or not enough
- Recreational drug use
- High blood pressure
- Pre-eclampsia
- Diabetes
- Blood clotting disorders
- Infections
Bleeding and Pain During 1st Trimester
You may experience varying forms of vaginal bleeding and pain during your first trimester or 3 months of pregnancy. The bleeding can range from light spotting to heavy blood flow with clots. It is known to happen in 20-30% of all pregnancies.
Typical causes:
- Implantation of your fertilized egg into the uterus lining
- Normal increased blood flow to the vaginal area and cervix
- Miscarriage
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy or also known as tubal pregnancy is not a common occurrence but it can happen. This occurs when the fertilized egg decides to implant outside your uterus. If not dealt with, it may grow and damage adjacent organs as well as cause blood-loss. It may require surgery to remove.
Symptoms include:
- Pelvic pain
- Vaginal bleeding
Smoking has been linked to the incidence of ectopic or tubal pregnancy.
We look forward to being part of your healthy pregnancy and hope to see you soon!
Schedule My Prenatal Consultation
Call 713-464-2100
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